
Lion wild at heart quote
Lion wild at heart quote

lion wild at heart quote

I'd sent Godfrey out to buy them at market without Rob knowing. "I do," I told the priest, taking two rings from where Bess had tied them to my dress. "You have the rings?" the priest asked Rob. "Robin of Locksley, will thou have this lady to thy wedded wife, will thou love her and honor her, keep her and guard her, in health and in sickness, as a husband should a wife, forsaking all others on account of her, so long as ye both shall live?" the priest asked. Rob's face were beaming back at me, his ocean eyes shimmering bright.

lion wild at heart quote

I looked at Robin, tears burning in my eyes. "Lady Scarlet." he asked me with a smile, "known to some as Lady Marian of Huntingdon, will thou have this lord to thy wedded husband, will thou love him and honour him, keep him and obey him, in health and in sickness, as a wife should a husband, forsaking all others on account of him, so long as ye both shall live?" He led us in prayer, he asked me to speak the same words I'd spoken not long past to Gisbourne, but that whole thing felt like a bad dream, like I were waking and it were fading and gone for good. The priest looked over his shoulder, watching as the sun began to dip. His fingers moved on mine, rubbing over my hand before capturing it tight and turning me to the priest. Touching his hand, a rope of lightening lashed round my fingers, like it seared us together. Standing in the heart of the tree, he reached again for my hand, fingers sliding over mine. "Are you wearing knives to our wedding?" Nodding, I laughed, telling him, "I was going to get you here one way or another, Hood."

lion wild at heart quote

"You wanted to marry me in the heart of Major Oak." I beamed at him grateful that he understood. “The heartwood," Rob murmured, looking at me.

Lion wild at heart quote